Buy Doctors Disability Early in Life A groundbreaking study by the National Disability Institute and the Multiple Sclerosis Association of America reveals that three out of four people diagnosed with multiple sclerosis experience financial hardship and more than two thirds are subject to financial
Physician Disability: Physicians Working From Home
Historically, physicians’ offices were both living and working spaces. Many doctors worked in living spaces with a medical practice area. Today, the process is almost unheard of. However, some physicians are returning to the old days and embracing a “new” style of practice management, working
Doctor Disability: Expanded Hours Linked to Lower Health Costs
Doctor Disability: Expanded Hours Linked to Lower Health Costs Primary care physicians traditionally have a very set schedule; Monday through Friday, nine to five, five days a week. Some may be on call through the weekend, but most likely patients visit the emergency room or urgent care center if
Buy Doctor Disability Early in Life
Buy Doctor Disability Early in Life A groundbreaking study by the National Disability Institute and the Multiple Sclerosis Association of America reveals that three out of four people diagnosed with multiple sclerosis experience financial hardship and more than two thirds are subject to financial
Doctor Disability: Social Security Lax on Disability Claims
Physicians and dentists avoid getting doctor disability insurance for a number of reasons. Many think that disability won’t happen to them. Others will rely on workers comp or Social Security disability payments. But the reality is disability payments won’t cover your full income- most likely it
Why Do You Need Doctor Disability Insurance?
Disability is commonly associated with accidents. The idea of an accident tends to elicit a “Oh that’ll never happen to me” response rather than actual concern. Yet disability covers more than that- the majority of disability is caused by illness. Over 15 million Americans a year experience a
Why Offer Voluntary Long-Term Disability Insurance?
An employee is three times more likely to suffer a long-term disability before age 65 than to die by that age. The average annual financial loss from a dental problem is $600, while the annual loss of income from a disability can equal your total income. Of all voluntary benefits employers offer,
Medical Students: Rethinking Third-Year Education
Medical students dedicate years to mastering their craft, preparing for both the challenges of patient care and their financial future. We’ve emphasized the importance of securing physician disability insurance early to protect against financial risks, including unpaid student loans.However, beyond