Comparing policies from different doctor disability insurance companies is a good idea as there is no “on size fits all” solution for all applicants. Insurance companies have different contractual language, underwriting guidelines and rates. While one carrier may have the best policy for a healthy female radiologist in Arizona, a different carrier may be a better fit for a male anesthesiologist with a history of low back problems living in California. Having the ability to compare all options will give you the best chance of obtaining the disability policy that is right for you.
Some variables that will affect your policy:
- Gender
- Specialty
- Geographic location
- Age
- Income
- Health (height/weight, blood profile, medications, medical history, etc.)
- Employment status (employee, owner, government worker, etc.)
Important considerations in any disability insurance company:
- Insurance company has high financial strength ratings
- Policy is guaranteed renewable and non-cancelable
- Definition of disability protects your specialty
Disability Insurance Companies We Work With
Below is a partial list of the companies we represent. We find that these carriers provide the best combination of contractual benefits, company strength and attractive pricing for members of the medical/dental community.
Click on the physician disability insurance company name below to get financial strength information, sample contracts and policy brochures.
Company Websites
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