The Myth Behind Group Disability Insurance
Why “I’m Covered at Work” Doesn’t Work for Group Disability Insurance Some people we speak to are initially hesitant towards individual long-term disability insurance because they think they’re covered
Disability Insurance Is Too Expensive
When you think of purchasing a disability insurance policy, do you question if it’s too expensive? Can you really afford it? After all, those monthly payments could
What to Look For In a Disability Insurance Policy
In the insurance world, it’s all about the language in the policy. All insurance contracts are essentially promises: You commit to paying a small premium.
How to Choose the Best Disability Insurance Company
With most things you purchase, you can take it home and enjoy it. You can see if it’s good for you right away. You get
What are MY Odds of Becoming Disabled?
Pretty substantial, all things considered. Among white-collar professionals, doctors are significantly more likely to become disabled than our counterparts in law, accounting, business management and
BANG. You’re disabled. What’s your plan, Doctor?
All the doctors we work with spend years becoming truly excellent at helping their patients deal with their own medical problems. But not all doctors
What is the Best Time to Buy Disability Insurance?
There’s a common saying in the insurance business and the military: “It wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark.” That’s true! And, it’s important to
Physicians Should Buy Disability Insurance While Young
Many young physicians dream of the freedom of opening their own private practice, mid-career. But sometimes the ability to fulfill one’s dreams gets hampered by
The Impact of Needlestick Injuries on Physicians
“A rock star phlebotomist,” is how one medical resident described herself. She had successfully drawn blood from a variety of cantankerous patients as well as those
Misguided Missiles: Sleep-Deprived Medical Residents and Motor Vehicle Accidents
Consider this: A pregnant resident and member of The Committee of Interns and Residents (CIR/SEIU), a multi-state union, tells a story of working a long
Physicians Probably Need Tax Help
Few people would argue that taxes aren’t complicated. Even for the simplest of situations, taxes can be perplexing for no other reason than the rules
Managing Debt – A Financial Weight Loss Formula
Perhaps the most encouraging outcome of the latest recession is the increasing emphasis on debt reduction by most Americans. The average American has over $20,000 in debt