Disability Among Medical Students Up To 9 Times Higher Than Previously Believed
Recent research from the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) indicates that there are far more people making it through medical school with disabilities than we imagined. Indeed,
Disability Insurance and Medical Specialties
Most doctors who have spent time shopping around for physician disability insurance, or actively doing financial planning for themselves and their families, understand the importance of
Beating Burnout
Burnout is real – and it’s an increasingly common problem among doctors across the U.S. Physicians are being increasingly squeezed between tightening reimbursement rates, the
6 Investing Mistakes Doctors Make Too Often
For a bunch of smart people, doctors are notorious for being bad investors. But bad investment decisions are preventable. Understanding the common mistakes physicians make
Why is Disability Insurance More Expensive for Women?
Occasionally we have clients compare rates for similar individual disability insurance policies for men and women. Why Are Rates Higher For Women? Because it’s worth
Common Disability Insurance Riders
A rider is a special feature or additional guarantee on top of a basic insurance policy. Some riders are available for free – you just have
Are You Affected by the Recent American Dental Association (ADA) Disability Insurance Rate Increase?
Thousands of practicing dentists across the country got some bad news from their disability insurance company last spring: Their affiliated disability insurance company, Great West Life,
Young Doctors: Run – Don’t Walk – To Fund A Roth IRA
Young physicians – especially those about to enter residency or still in residency, have a unique tax planning opportunity that’s almost unmatched by any other
Why People In Their 20s and 30s Need Disability Insurance
As a young and healthy person, it’s easy to think of wheelchairs, canes and handicap placards as an issue for older Americans. But that’s just
The Different Types of Disability Insurance
Disability insurance is almost a must-have for any professional – especially those whose peak earning years are ahead of them. A freak accident, a bad
What To Look For in a Physician’s Disability Insurance Policy
1.) An ‘own occupation’ definition of disability Most doctors are pretty active. If you’re like most doctors, you’re on your feet for much of the
Is Your Medical Specialty Among the Top Earners?
Want to know how your medical specialty is getting paid? The 2023 Medscape Physician Compensation Report is out. Here are some of the key findings: