Needle sticks are a common injury among medical personnel - and they can be especially prevalent with young resident doctors. Although a needle stick can inject hazardous drugs intothe body, it is actually the injection of infectious fluids - especially blood - that is by far the greatest concern.
How Do I Choose the Best Disability Insurance Company?
When it comes to disability insurance, the company you choose is just as important as the policy itself. After all, this is the company you’ll rely on if you need to file a claim. Here’s how to identify the best disability insurance companies for doctors. 1. Focus on Companies with Experience
How Do I Choose the Best Disability Insurance Policy?
As a doctor, protecting your income is one of the most important steps you can take for your financial future. Disability insurance ensures you have a safety net if an illness or injury prevents you from working. But with so many options, how do you choose the best policy? Here’s a straightforward
What is “Guaranteed Renewable and Non-Cancelable” Coverage, and Why is it Important for Doctors?
When you invest in disability insurance, you’re not just buying a policy—you’re buying peace of mind. But not all policies offer the same level of protection. For doctors, the single most important feature of an individual disability insurance policy is that it is guaranteed renewable and
What is “Own-Occupation” Coverage, and Why is it Important for Doctors?
As a doctor, your ability to work is your most valuable asset. After years of education and training, your skills are finely tuned to your medical specialty. But what happens if an illness or injury prevents you from performing those skills? This is where “own-occupation” disability insurance comes
How Much of My Income Will Disability Insurance Replace if I’m Unable to Work?
As a doctor, your ability to earn an income is your most valuable financial asset. Disability insurance protects that income if an illness or injury prevents you from working. But how much of your income will a disability policy actually replace? Let’s break it down. How Disability Insurance
What is Disability Insurance and How Does It Work?
As a doctor, your career is built on years of education, training, and dedication. Your income supports your lifestyle, family, and future goals. But have you considered what would happen if you were unable to work due to illness or injury? This is where disability insurance steps in. Disability
Why Do I Need Disability Insurance?
As a doctor, you’ve worked hard to build a career that offers stability, financial freedom, and the ability to care for your loved ones. But have you ever stopped to think about what would happen if an illness or injury left you unable to work? This isn’t something any of us like to imagine, but the