Nearly every insurance expert will advise doctors it’s important to own a disability insurance policy with an own occupation definition of disability written into the contract. That’s in contrast to the less desirable “any occupation” definition included in many contracts. For physicians, an own
Doctors, Disability and Critical Illness Insurance
Most physicians we speak with understand the need for at least some individually-owned disability insurance. But there’s another important form of insurance protection that is growing more and more popular as physicians and employers see the need: Critical illness insurance for doctors. For proper
Court Ruling Highlights Importance of Disability Insurance for Women of Childbearing Age
Here's the deal A young woman in Florida was just a few weeks into a healthy pregnancy and purchased disability insurance from Reliance Standard. 38 weeks into her pregnancy, however, she had to be admitted to the hospital, complaining of headaches and high blood pressure and swelling of hands
The Most Dangerous Myths About Insurance Coverage
When it comes to insurance coverage, what you don’t know may not kill you – but it can cost an awful lot of money. Unfortunately, there are a number of myths and misconceptions that even very highly educated people have about insurance and what it covers and doesn’t cover. Here are some of the most
Why Disability Insurance Protection is Critical for Women of Childbearing Age
It’s not unusual to want to take some time off after having a baby. In some cases, you have no choice – medical complications are common after childbirth. But while employers with 50 employees or more are obligated under the Pregnancy Discrimination Act and Family Medical Leave Act to grant you time
Is Your Disability Protection Up to the Job?
Disability insurance protection is a critical component of a financial plan for most people – but especially for physicians. This is because doctors, dentists and other similarly-situated professionals generally have huge sums of money invested in education, need to be in reasonably good health in
Beware of the Disability Disconnect
When it comes to the risk of disability, Americans are woefully underinsured. Disability vastly outpaces the death of a breadwinner among those under age 50 as a leading cause of economic hardship for families. The fact is, most people vastly underestimate their chances of becoming
Doctors: When to Review Your Disability Insurance Coverage
Disability insurance is like a good car: It will work when you need it – but you need to do a little maintenance from time to time to get the most out of it. For disability insurance policyholders, maintaining your policy means doing a periodic review of the policy with your insurance professional