Unquestionably, physicians are starting to take their retirement planning much more seriously. With life expectancy on the rise, greater economic uncertainty on the horizon, and lowered expectations for long term investment returns, many of us are looking at our retirement with a little more
Physician Retirement Plans Benefit from Diversification
As with too many retirement savers, it took two stock market crashes (2001, 2008) and a global financial crisis for Randy Page, M.D. to finally realize that trying to time the market or pick specific stocks or sectors is a costly exercise in futility. But, with the value of his qualified retirement
Physicians Investing too Conservatively
That physicians tend to be risk-adverse and cautious in their approach to investing can work to their advantage. But the same approach, when applied through several market cycles consisting of both market advances and market declines, is less likely to generate the long term returns necessary to
Physician’s Retirement Savings Threatened by Long Term Care Costs
With the average life expectancy surpassing age 85, the number of people who will require some sort of assistance performing daily living functions can be expected to increase dramatically. Already one in three people age 65 and older will receive care in a nursing home or through a home caregiver.
The Biggest Investment Mistake Physicians Make
Whether investing for retirement or any other objective, the biggest investment mistake physicians make is not having a sound investment strategy in place to guide their decisions. The challenge in investing is not that it takes special skills or knowledge; it’s that it is often driven by emotions
Top 5 Financial Mistakes Young Physicians Make
While it’s true that young physicians have their whole lives ahead of them, there is a lot to be learned from the lessons of the last decade which can make living them a whole lot easier. The financial events of the last decade brought hardship to physicians of all ages, incomes and financial
Helpful Life Insurance Advice for Physicians
Few consumer products are the object of a love/hate relationship as life insurance. The thought of buying life insurance is not something that most physicians relish, yet, if it is done right, it can provide the greatest peace-of-mind a person can have. The key is to do it right. Following this
Debt Management for Physicians
Perhaps the most encouraging outcome of the latest recession is the increasing emphasis on debt reduction by most Americans. We are borrowing less and saving more, and, hopefully, developing some more frugal habits that can lead to healthier finances in the future. Still, many physicians continue