An employee is three times more likely to suffer a long-term disability before age 65 than to die by that age. The average annual financial loss from a dental problem is $600, while the annual loss of income from a disability can equal your total income. Of all voluntary benefits employers offer, long-term disability insurance may be the most valuable.
A Sun Life Financial survey released in May of 2012 provides some perspective for the medical community on getting employees enrolled. Here are some of the reasons employees buy disability insurance:
Just as employees are now accustomed to saving for their own retirement via a 401(k) instead of receiving a company pension, the more workers know what disability insurance is, how it works, and what their chances of needing it are, the more they’ll look for it on your benefits menu.
Cost-Benefit Analysis.
Once employees evaluate their likelihood of becoming disabled (25% nationwide average) and the catastrophic consequences of an income cutoff, disability coverage is seen as a pretty compelling solution.
Other Coverage.
Disability coverage through Social Security or workers compensation is very restrictive. Health insurance won’t pay for mortgage or other bills, and in the case of permanent disability, an employee could lose his group health coverage and have to pay full individual premiums to keep the health policy.
Sun Life also highlights the fact that more and more of the burden for personal financial preparedness is being transferred from the employer to the employee.
A doctors disability insurance policy offered through your medical practice, surgical center, dental office or any other healthcare facility can fill gaps from other coverages and give needed income protection to your practice’s partners and employees.
If you need help educating your professionals and allied healthcare workers about the likelihood and effects of disability, talk to a distributor about a presentation.
Source: InsuranceNews