Once you sign on with a federally-guaranteed student loan, getting out of it is tough. When the U.S. government guaranteed your student loan debt, it put other hard-working taxpayers’ money on the line for you. That makes these loans fundamentally different from private loans that don’t come with
NFL Players Underscore the Value of Own Occupation Disability Insurance
Suppose you were a professional football player in the NFL. Not one of the marquis names, and not a quarterback. Just an anonymous foot soldier on the offensive or defensive line. Someone who made it through college by the skin of his teeth who’s a darned good left tackle but has never really done
Which Surgeons Get Injured the Most?
When most people think about hospitals and injuries, they think about patients. But recent research demonstrates that physicians can put themselves at risk, too – simply by virtue of practicing medicine. In a recent issue of Bone & Joint Surgery, a trade publication for orthopedic surgeons,
AMA Disability Insurance Versus Individual Disability Insurance
The good news is that, as a group, physicians seem to take the real threat of incurring a disability to heart. According to a 2007 survey by the McGill Advisory, nearly 100 percent of the physicians surveyed said they were covered by some form of disability insurance. The bad news, also revealed in
Disability Insurance Brokers Offer Best Solutions for Physicians
There was a time when physicians could obtain high quality disability insurance from a wide range of insurance carriers. Then, due to increasing costs and competition, the field narrowed, as did the available benefits, making it more difficult for physicians to obtain this coverage. Today,
Disability Statistics vs. Common Misperceptions
As Disability Insurance Awareness Month draws to a close, we thought it pertinent to revisit the results of a survey conducted by the Council of Disability Awareness back in 2011. The survey looked into the attitudes and knowledge consumers have over matters related to becoming disabled and then
May is Physician Disability Insurance Awareness Month
Maybe it’s just a coincidence that May is both National Arthritis Awareness Month and Disability Insurance Awareness Month. But with the recent study released by Global Burden of Disease that found that musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions are the second greatest cause of disability, it serves as a
Physicians Should Base Disability Insurance on Reality, not Rules of Thumb
In countless blog posts here we have stressed the importance of understanding the definition of “disability” in choosing a physician’s disability insurance plan. More than any other type of professional, physicians must be able to protect their specific occupation and specialty from the prospect of