The good news is that, as a group, physicians seem to take the real threat of incurring a disability to heart. According to a 2007 survey by the McGill Advisory, nearly 100 percent of the physicians surveyed said they were covered by some form of disability insurance. The bad news, also revealed in
Doctor Disability: How Laughter Helps Doctors
Doctor Disability: How Laughter Helps Doctors Humor has long been touted as a the best form of medicine, but what does that saying really mean? And how can it be useful to physicians? Today, at Doctor Disability, we'll take a look at the benefits of laughter, and how it can improve your well-being
Why Medical Students Need Disability Insurance
Why Medical Students Need Disability Insurance Physician disability insurance is essential at every stage in your career as a medical professional. However, as a medical student, living with little to no income while accruing significant debt exposes you to particularly unique risks. According
Doctor Disability: Why You Need Physician Disability Insurance
Doctor Disability: Why You Need Physician Disability Insurance As a medical professional, physician disability insurance may not be a top priority. It doesn't have the dangers or extreme physical requirements of say, a logger or commercial fisherman. But physician disability insurance can help you
Doctor Disability: Expanded Hours Linked to Lower Health Costs
Doctor Disability: Expanded Hours Linked to Lower Health Costs Primary care physicians traditionally have a very set schedule; Monday through Friday, nine to five, five days a week. Some may be on call through the weekend, but most likely patients visit the emergency room or urgent care center if
Physician Disability: Third Year Education
Physician Disability: Third Year Education Medical students spend their time soaking up as much information as possible, constantly trying to prepare for the future. We’ve talked about the importance of starting early, to get physician disability insurance to cover any potential downfall you could
Physician Disability Insurance: Preventing Burnout
Physician Disability Insurance: Preventing Physician BurnoutWe discussed in a previous blog the strenuous effects stress can have on a physician. The best method to avoid burnout is preparation. From lifestyle choices, to work-life balance and protecting yourself with physician disability insurance,
Physician Disability: The Burdens of Age
Physician Disability: The Burdens of Age You want to retire on your own terms, when you are ready. While physician disability insurance is an essential protection for your livelihood, ideally you’ll never have to use it. But what if your body decides to tell you otherwise? The cost of living has